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What is KT-tape?

Kinesiology tape began gaining popularity following the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. After viewers noticed some of the athletes, like beach volleyball gold medalist Kerri Walsh, sporting what looked like a tattoo everyone began wondering what is kinesiotape? How does it work? What is it used for? Is it only for professional athletes? Well, today we are going to get to the bottom of some of those questions.

  1. Most kinesiotape brands are made primarily from cotton, although some contain nylon or lycra. The adhesive tape is latex free and hypoallergenic, designed to last several days. Additionally, the adhesive is heat activated to help ensure it stays put.
  2. How it works: the tape microscopically lifts the skin from the underlying muscle and fascia to decompress the area and allow for movement and blood flow.
  3. Kinesiotape can serve a variety of purposes including: 
    • Inflammation reduction
    • Pain Relief
    • Muscle Support
    • Joint Support
    • Improved Athletic Performance
    • Proprioception
    • Postural Correction
  4. This therapeutic taping can be used on anyone and everyone including:
    • Athletes
    • Weekend Warriors
    • Pregnant Women
    • Children
    • Animals
  5. Kinesiotape is commonly used, but not limited to the following conditions:
    • Strains and Sprains
    • Tendonitis
    • Neck and Back Pain
    • Bruises and Swelling
    • Muscle Weakness or Imbalances

Depending on the brand and application, one application kinesiotape can last anywhere from 3 days to 2 weeks. Some people do experience a small skin reaction to the adhesive, however it is rare and mild. 

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