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7 Tips for Sticking to Your 2020 Resolutions

The beginning of a new year is a great time to turn the page on some bad habits and replace them with new habits and goals. That is why so many people start the new year with resolutions! There is nothing better than starting out the year with goals and a plan to improve your life, and there is nothing worse than throwing in the towel 3 weeks in. Did you know that 80% of resolutions fail by February!

Here are some tips to help you maintain your resolutions long enough to reap the benefits.

  1. Make your resolutions realistic. Sometimes it is tempting to want to  completely overhaul your life by replacing ALL of your bad habits with good new habits. And while of course that isn’t a bad thing, it can make it hard to achieve and easy to give up.
  2. Break the big goals into smaller ones: If your overall good is to increase your fitness plan by exercising more frequently you can start by working out 3-4 times per week instead of trying 7 times per week from the start. Once you are consistently reaching your goal and working out 3x/week, set your sights on 4, then 5, then 7!
  3. Make a plan: Whatever your end goal may be, start looking at what steps it’s going to take to get there, write them out, and stick to schedule. Planning can help take the pressure off of things.
  4. Talk about it: By sharing your goals with friends and family you can build a support circle to help you along. Teaming up can also help you with accountability and motivation.
  5. Don’t beat yourself up:  Nobody is perfect. If you veer from your plan it’s not the end of the world, having a brownie does not mean that you failed and should throw in the towel completely. Allowing yourself to make mistakes and learn from them can help you stay on track.
  6. Find out your WHY: This is a big one. If you are making goals and resolutions that you don’t actually care about you are less likely to stick to them. Ask yourself why you are making this resolution. Is it because you really want to make the change or because “you’re supposed to”. Setting meaningful goals so that you have a true desire to follow through.
  7. Celebrate the wins, even the small ones: By celebrating the small stuff you are going to build confidence throughout the process and that is rewarding! 

New habits don’t form overnight but through dedication the benefits from new years resolutions can be very rewarding! So stick to them this year and we will be here to fix any aches and pains you may develop on the way!